
Local employment and feminization at the heart of CNA Mauritania's social policy

of positions

of Mauritanian
mauritaniens en 2024

d’organisations et associations


CNA Mauritania has been implementing a Mauritanization plan since 2013 to demonstrate our commitment to participate in local economic and social development through the promotion of national and regional workers, in particular via the village of Chami near the site. <span data-

CNA Mauritania est fière de compter plus de 97% of Mauritanian employees et a pour objectif d’accroitre davantage cette part. 


Since its inception, CNA Mauritania has promoted the feminization of its positions by recruiting women from neighbouring villages to encourage their integration into the workforce and by allowing them to have access to flexible working hours.

Since its inception, CNA Mauritania has considerably increased its number of female recruitments and is committed to providing professional opportunities to its female employees, on a basis of equal recruitment and with equal competence. 

Voluntary organizations and associations

CNA Mauritania supports voluntary organizations and local associations, in particular through its membership in the association Fondation des Amis du Lycée Français.

Ainsi, CNA Mauritania accompagne des étudiants défavorisés en finançant leurs études à l’École française jusqu’à l’obtention de leur diplôme, afin qu’ils puissent poursuivre leur scolarité en France.

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